A very fun craft that you can do with the little ones. They are two masks with funny shapes so they can be used in your costume parties. We will make a mask bat-shaped in which you will only need a few small cardboard cutouts to make its shape so fun. The other mask will be in the shape of a cat in which you will use the same materials, all of course from first hand. You will only need to make the corresponding holes in their ends and place a rubber band so that the masks can be attached to the head.
The materials that I have used for this craft are:
- For the bat mask:
- black card
- White cardboard
- pink cardstock
- two big eyes
- two pages
- For the cat mask:
- brown or gray cardstock
- White cardboard
- pink cardstock
- a sheet
- Additional materials for the two crafts:
- scissors
- ruler
- pencil
- rubber
- cold silicone glue
- a piece of rubber to be able to place on the masks
You can see this craft step by step in the following video:
For the bat mask:
First step:
We started folding a sheet of paper in half. On the folded and not open part we are going to draw half of the mask freehand. The one that I have drawn has around 10,5cm long and 7cm high. We draw the eye and to know the separation it has with respect to the center, we will draw the corner of the eye at 2cm, from the center. We cut out what we have drawn and we can already see when unfolding the sheet how the mask has been.
Second step:
We place the mask on top of the black cardboard to make a copy of it. We draw its outline and cut it out. In another folded sheet we will draw bat wings, we will make it like the mask. Alone we will draw half for that when unfolding the folio the two parts remain the same. We will draw it freehand placing the mask underneath and making a simulation of how it would look. Of course we have the rubber, in case we get confused to be able to rectify the drawing. We cut out the drawn structure and unfold it. We are going to make a copy of it placing the wings on top of the black cardboard and later we will cut it out.
Third step:
Let cut out a circle for the bat's head. We will help each other with a compass so that it comes out perfect. On a piece of black cardboard we will draw the ears in an oval shape. We will also draw and cut two other slightly smaller oval shapes that will go on the inside of the ears. This time they will go pink. With the same color we do a small circle that will make the nose. We form the mask gluing all the pieces with cold silicone.
Fourth step:
We would only have place the white stripes of the bat's wings. We place next to the wings a white cardboard and freehand we are drawing the required size. We will need three stripes for each wing. We will cut them out and glue them. Now we only have to make a few holes in its extreme pairs and place a rubber band, so we can hold the mask on the head.
For the cat mask:
First step:
We take the mask and place it on top of the brown cardboard. We are going to make a copy of the mask, drawing its outline with the pencil. Later we will cut it. Will two brown triangular shapes that will simulate the ears. We take your measurement by placing the cardboard next to the maskTo get the correct proportions, we can use a ruler to draw the sides and make them straight. We will draw later two other smaller white triangles. We will cut out everything and glue the white triangles inside the brown ones.
Second step:
We take another page and we fold it in half. For the part that we have folded we will freehand draw half muzzle of the cat, in this way when unfolding the folio the snout will be all homogeneous. We trace it on a black card. On a pink card we draw a circle to make the nose. We will help each other with a compass to make it perfect. On a black cardboard we will draw a rectangle elongated and thin to make the whiskers. By doing only one, it will serve as a tracing to make exactly five others that we need. We take all the pieces that we have cut out and form the mask. Now we only have to make a few holes in its extreme pairs and place a rubber band, so we can hold the mask on the head.