3 crafts for the Magi

Hi all! In a few days the Three Wise Men will arrive at the houses giving gifts to the children who have been good. The traditional thing is to leave them some cookies, milk and similar foods so that they regain strength and continue giving more gifts to the children. But nevertheless, What do you think if we decorate the food that we leave for the Magi with any of these crafts? 

Do you want to know how we can do it? 

Magi Craft Idea # 1: Finger Puppets

Three Kings puppets

These beautiful puppets are sure to enchant the Magi. The best thing is to make them with great care and leave them next to the plate with the food, so the Kings can also take a souvenir from us.

You can see how to do this manual step by step by clicking on the link that we leave below: Three Kings puppets

Craft idea for the Magi number 2: Magi-shaped chocolates

Three Kings with Chocolates

What if we customize some chocolates for the Three Kings to eat? So each one will know what food is left for them. In addition, they are very beautiful so they will surely love to take them and eat them while they continue to give out gifts.

You can see how to do this manual step by step by clicking on the link that we leave below: Three Kings with chocolates

Craft idea for the Magi number 3: Letter to the Magi.

This letter is perfect for asking the Magi for gifts, but ... Why not thank them when they come home to deliver them with another card like this one? We can tell you how happy we are that you are home for another year and invite you to keep coming.

You can see how to do this manual step by step by clicking on the link that we leave below: How to make a Three Kings letter for children

And ready! We are already prepared to receive the Magi.

I hope you cheer up and do some of these crafts.

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