Here we have three very easy crafts to do for this Christmas. Es a ball of polystyrene that we have decorated with pompoms so you can decorate your Christmas tree, you also have a pendant where we have recycled some ice cream sticks and we have shaped it into a star, it is very easy to do and can be done with children. And the last pendant that can make a bookmark it's a Santa Claus made with another popsicle stick, another very original idea that you can even give as a gift.
You can see the step by step of this tutorial in the following video:
These are the materials that I have used:
- a ball of polystyrene
- a piece of long loop or rope to be able to make the pendants of the figures that we are going to make
- a pin
- pompoms of medium size and of different colors
- about 6 popsicle sticks
- black, red, white and nude colored acrylic paint
- blue pipe cleaner with shiny
- decorative round crystals in the shape of diamonds
- three medium-sized white pompoms
- hot glue gun with silicones
- paint brushes of different sizes
- a small yellow and a white pompom
- a piece of white cotton to make Santa's beard
- a bright little red to put on your nose
The pom pom ball
First step:
We catch a piece of bow and we are going to place it in the polystyrene ball, we will stick it with some hot silicone and so that it does not move we will fix it with a pin.
Second step:
We are throwing hot silicone around the ball and come on gluing the pompoms of different colors. They have to be quite close and tight so that there are no gaps between them.
The decorated star
First step:
We catch five popsicle sticks and them we paint with black acrylic paint, in my case I have painted them on both sides and let it dry. We try to place the sticks strategically forming the five-pointed star. When we have it formed, we can stick its ends with the silicone.
Second step:
We catch a pipe cleaner and wrap it around the star. So that it is well attached we can give it a touch of silicone so that it does not move. We glue the three white pompoms along the star and place some diamond-shaped stickers on the tips of the star. At the back and at one end we glue a piece of ribbon or rope so that the star can be hung.
Santa's stick
First step:
We paint an ice cream stick red. We choose a strategic area and we color it skin color so we can paint the face.
Second step:
We paint two white stripes one above and one below the face, we paint another black stripe that will act as a belt. We draw the eyes freehand and place a small bright red that will act as a nose. We let it dry.
Second step:
We glue the pompoms with the silicone, the yellow in the band of the belt and the white in the head like pompom of the hat. We put silicone in the area of the face to place the cotton that will be the beard. Finally we glue a piece of rope or tape behind the head so that the stick can be hung.