Hello everybody! In this article we bring you three options for wrapping Halloween candy. Although this year Halloween is going to be celebrated differently, it does not mean that we cannot continue to celebrate it wisely and with a decoration that surprises children. Also, if we have the candies ready to distribute them, we will facilitate and speed up the work a lot.
Craft # 1: Halloween Candy Wrap
With a little cardboard we can make a fun and spooky wrap for this Halloween, don't you love it? You can use this model to make other figures such as bats, mummies or another creature of the night that you like.
You can see how to make this craft step by step in the following link: Wrapping chocolates for Halloween
Craft number 2: Wrap candies in packages with paper that we decorate for Halloween
Putting the candies in packages can be something that greatly facilitates the distribution of sweets this Halloween, so that we can create this decorated paper to make the packages and have them prepared for the 31st. You can use your imagination to decorate with Halloween motifs.
You can see how to make this craft step by step in the following link: How to wrap candy for Halloween
Craft # 3: Wrapping Candy in a Monster Package
Another fun way to make packages with candies, chocolates, mini chocolates ... is to make a monstrous package that you can customize to your liking. This monster can also be made to decorate a room or the entrance of the house.
You can see how to make this craft step by step in the following link: Monster pack to give candy on Halloween
And ready! We can already prepare the candies and sweets in packages so that it is safer to give to children.
I hope you cheer up and do some of these crafts to liven up the Halloween holiday a bit this year.