3 Easter crafts for kids with cardboard tubes

Easter is about to arrive and that means that we have to prepare easter crafts to celebrate this date. There are many ideas, but today I bring you 3 crafts with cardboard tubes to do with children that are super cute and easy. They can be sweet or to decorate a party.

Materials to make Easter crafts

  • Cardboard tubes
  • Rubber eva
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Mobile eyes
  • Permanent markers
  • Eva rubber punches

Procedure for making Easter crafts

In this video you can see in detail the step by step of how to perform these 3 great ideas and fill them with chocolates or sweets.


TIP 1:

  • Line the tube with eva rubber.
  • Make the ears and glue them on the head.
  • Design the face: eyes, nose, eyelashes and whiskers.
  • Make an Easter egg and decorate it with markers.
  • Stick it on the body next to the hands.

TIP 2:

  • Line the tube with eva rubber.
  • Glue on the eyes and the beak.
  • Draw the eyelashes.
  • Attach the chick's bangs and wings.
  • To finish, add the legs.

TIP 3:

  • Line the tube with eva rubber.
  • You draw spirals on the body.
  • Trim the head.
  • Add the ears, eyes and nose.
  • Draw the eyelashes and the muzzle.
  • Glue the head to the body.
  • Add the arms.

And so far today's ideas, I hope you liked them a lot, if so, do not forget to share them.

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