4 perfect crafts for the arrival of good weather

Hello everyone! In today's article we are going to see how to do four crafts that remind us and bring us closer to good weather and that they are perfect to do in any little time that we have free. We are going to find everything from how to make some typical little animals of this time, such as caterpillars and butterflies, to a card to invite you to tea.

Do you want to know what they are?

Craft 1: Crepe Paper and Cardstock Butterfly

Cardboard Butterfly

Butterflies are the queens of color among so many flowers, and they could not be missing from this article. Do you dare to make this nice butterfly?

You can see how to make this craft step by step by looking at the link that we leave you just below: Cardboard and crepe paper butterfly

Craft number 2: Cards to invite a spring party

A very spring party is to invite our friends to have tea with pastries or a coffee, but instead of making a simple invitation we can prepare this event a little more and for this we have the option of making these cards.

You can see how to make this craft step by step by looking at the link that we leave you just below: Tea cards, personalized

Craft number 3: Caterpillar made with egg cartons

Caterpillar with egg cartons

Caterpillars are another one of those animals that start to appear in good weather, and here's a simple way to make one.

You can see how to make this craft step by step by looking at the link that we leave you just below: Easy caterpillar for kids with egg cartons

Craft number 4: Butterfly with paper scrolls

Again another butterfly, but very different from the first. Which one do you like the most?

You can see how to make this craft step by step by looking at the link that we leave you just below: Butterfly with rolls of toilet paper

And ready!

I hope you cheer up and do some of these crafts.

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