4 ways to make penguins

penguin christmas rubber eva

Hi everyone! One of the representative animals of cold areas and associated with snow is the penguin, that's why we bring you four different ways to make this animal associated with cold. They are perfect crafts to do with the little ones in the house in the winter months.

Do you want to see which are the penguins that we propose?

Penguin number 1: Penguin made from an egg carton

This first penguin, in addition to being cute, is a perfect way to recycle materials that we have at home.

You can see how to make this specific penguin by following the step-by-step link below: Penguin with egg carton

Penguin number 2: Penguin made with fimo

This penguin is somewhat more complicated than the previous one, but it will be the delight of those who love to mold, make dolls with plasticine, etc.

You can see how to make this specific penguin by following the step-by-step link below: FIMO PENGUIN OR POLYMERIC CLAY STEP BY STEP

Penguin number 3: Eva rubber penguin

penguin christmas rubber eva

Eva rubber is a very easy to use material that will be in any home of those who love crafts, so go for this penguin.

You can see how to make this specific penguin by following the step-by-step link below: Eva rubber penguin to decorate your Christmas crafts

Penguin number 4: Penguin candle holder

In this last penguin, more than different material is a different utility, since we have a beautiful penguin candle holder.

You can see how to make this specific penguin by following the step-by-step link below: How to make a penguin candle holder for Christmas

And ready! Which of all these options did you like the most?

I hope you cheer up and make one of these penguins.

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