5 crafts to do with wooden clothespins

Hello everybody! Today we bring you 5 craft proposals to make with wooden clothespins. We will need some more materials such as cardboard or craft sticks, as well as paint that can be used on the wood.

Do you want to know what are these crafts that we propose?

Clothespins Craft # 1: Wedding Pegs

This is an option that can be done with boyfriends or couples to be able to give them away.

You can see the step by step of this craft to do it more easily, by following the link below: Groom tongs

Clothespin Craft # 2: Easy Dragonfly

This dragonfly is very simple to make and we will also recycle clothespins with it.

You can see the step by step of this craft to do it more easily, by following the link below: Funny dragonfly made with a clothespin

Clothespin Craft # 3: Simple Caterpillars

pompoms and tweezers caterpillars

This beautiful craft can be used as a brooch.

You can see the step by step of this craft to do it more easily, by following the link below: Caterpillars with clips and pompoms

Clothespin Craft Number 4: Easy Wooden Plane

This craft, in addition to being very beautiful, can be personalized by adding drawings or colors to the plane.

You can see the step by step of this craft to do it more easily, by following the link below: Wooden plane to make with children

Clothespin Craft Number 5: Bat

Although more intended for Halloween, this is a perfect idea for making flying animals.

You can see the step by step of this craft to do it more easily, by following the link below: Bat clip and other options to celebrate Halloween this year

And ready! Get to work with any of these options that you choose.

I hope you cheer up and do this craft.

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