5 toilet paper roll cardboard crafts to make during the bridge

Hello everybody! In today's article we will see five crafts to do with cardboard rolls of toilet paper with the little ones of the house during the bridge. These crafts are perfect since it allows us to give another use to the toilet paper cartons.

Do you want to know what these crafts are?

Craft # 1: Pirate Spyglass

Playing pirates is sure to entertain the little ones and more if we add a spyglass to the game.

You can do this craft step by step by seeing the link below: Pirate spyglass with toilet paper roll cartons

Craft # 2: Tea Cup

A simple mug to play at home. We can customize it as we want.

You can do this craft step by step by seeing the link below: Cup with toilet paper roll carton

Craft # 3: Cardboard Pirate

We continue playing pirates .. we can make our own characters to live the adventure.

You can do this craft step by step by seeing the link below: Pirate with toilet paper roll

Craft # 4: Geometric Shapes Stamps

Do we want to mark our notebooks in an original way? we can choose the shape we want and start stamping

You can do this craft step by step by seeing the link below: Geometric shapes to stamp with toilet paper rolls

Craft # 5: Cardboard Polar Bear

This fun and friendly bear is done very quickly and easily.

You can do this craft step by step by seeing the link below: Polar bear with toilet paper roll

And ready! There are many options of crafts to do with the cartons of the toilet paper rolls, here we have given you some but you can see more on the website.

I hope you cheer up and do some of these crafts.

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