5 decoration crafts for Halloween

Hello everybody! In today's article we will see five crafts to decorate our home this Halloween and liven up the party in a complicated year.

Craft # 1: Witch Crushed by a House

A great way to decorate our entrance on Halloween, we can add a pumpkin with candies on the side to have a safe Halloween.

You can see how to do this craft step by step in the following link: Witch squashed on the doormat - an easy halloween craft

Craft number 2: Black cardboard cat.

Black cats are one of the most characteristic creatures of Halloween, so why not make one ourselves?

You can see how to do this craft step by step in the following link: Black cat with cardboard: a Halloween craft to make with children

Craft number 3: mummy boat for candles.

A quick way to decorate a room is to make this candle holder in the shape of a mummy.

You can see how to do this craft step by step in the following link: Halloween candle holder in the shape of a mummy

Craft number 4: nice cardboard bat.

This bat is perfect to perform with children this Halloween and spend an entertaining afternoon, before starting to decorate the house, dress up and ask for candy.

You can see how to do this craft step by step in the following link: Funny bat to make on Halloween with children

Craft number 5: witch's broom.

This simple broom can be the perfect complement to our entrance, it can be added to the witch crushed by the house, incorporate the cardboard cat or other Halloween elements.

You can see how to do this craft step by step in the following link: Witch's broom to decorate on Halloween

And ready! We already have many options to decorate our house this year.

I hope you cheer up and do this craft.

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