5 ideas for gift wrapping this Christmas

Hello everybody! Christmas is approaching and that is why in this article we want to give you 5 ideas for gift wrapping. The way a gift is wrapped says a lot about the person who makes the present, so it doesn't hurt to spend some time on how we are going to present the gift.

Do you want to know what these 5 ideas are? Well keep reading.

Idea number 1: wrapping a gift irregularly

Many occasions we find the perfect gift but then we find it difficult to wrap it because it has a very irregular shape. Here we leave you a perfect option to solve this problem.

You can see how to do this craft step by step in the following link: Wrapping irregular gift simply and beautifully

Idea number 2: easy gift bow to decorate

An option to decorate a gift is to add a large bow to give it a more personal touch. These bows are great if the gift that we are going to make comes in a decorated box.

You can see how to do this craft step by step in the following link: Easy to make gift bow

Idea number 3: Original decoration for Christmas

If we have a gift already wrapped we can add some details to make it more personal and original.

You can see how to do this craft step by step in the following link: Wrapping a gift for Christmas in an original way

Idea Number 4: Fun Gift Wrapping Bag

If perhaps you are looking for an even more original touch to present your gifts, this is an excellent option.

You can see how to do this craft step by step in the following link: Funny bag to wrap gifts #yomequedoencasa

Idea number 5: Elegant decoration for a gift

Sometimes we want to give our gift a special but elegant touch at the same time, for those occasions we recommend this beautiful option.

You can see how to do this craft step by step in the following link: Wrapping a gift in an original way

And ready! There are no more excuses to present a gift in an original way this holiday season.

I hope you cheer up and do some of these crafts.

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