Advent Calendar

Advent Calendar

This bridge is the date where we have all taken the opportunity to place the Christmas tree and the Bethlehem portal with the little ones. As they were on mini-vacations, we have taken advantage of some of the afternoons on those days to make this Advent calendar.

The advent calendar is nothing more than a mini calendar of the month of December so that children can follow those days in advance so they can know when Santa Claus is coming Normally in the Advent calendars chocolates are kept for the children to eat each day that passes and thus know how long until Christmas arrives.


  • Small cardboard boxes or cartons of children's smoothie or juice.
  • Brown butcher paper.
  • Red, black and white felt.
  • White folio.
  • Pencil.
  • Red, black and white markers.
  • Black patent leather paper.
  • Glue.
  • Zeal.
  • Needle and threads.


Firstly, we will line the cardboard boxes or the children's shakes with the brown paper as a gift. These have to be the same size and if you want to put the chocolate in before, you must do it before wrapping it.

Then we will cut out pieces of patent leather paper in black and we will paste it in the corner to place the corresponding number with a special white ink pen, from 1 to 24, which is the night that Santa Claus arrives with the gifts.

Then, with the felt we will make different typical figures of Christmas: Santa's boot, Christmas tree, angels, reindeer, etc. We will also draw them on white paper and review it with red and black markers. We will glue these to each of the boxes with glue stick and, finally, we will glue it to the wall with zeal in the shape of a Christmas tree.

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