Christmas is here and with it the illusion of filling the house with typical decoration of these holidays. To fill your house with color, nothing like passing an afternoon of crafts with the children. And what better way than making some beautiful Christmas garlands like the one I bring today.
Just three materials are needed, there are no dangerous tools to use and they are done in a few minutes. Which is perfect for spending time with activities with the little ones in the house. Do you want to discover how to make this simple garland with Christmas motifs? Take good note because we started now.
Christmas wreath, materials
The materials in this case are very simple, you only need colored EVA with glitter. In any bazaar you can find this material easily and for a very cheap price. We will also need a raffia string, scissors and a pencil. Let's see now what are the steps to follow.
Step by step
First we are going to draw the figures on the EVA rubber, in this case to follow the theme we are going to draw some Christmas trees and some stars of different sizes. If you wish, you can make more figures like reindeer, elves or snowmen.
To draw the figures we will do it from the back, since the front part with the glitter would be much more complicated.
When we have all the figures cut out, we go to prepare the rope with which we are going to create our Christmas garland.
With the tip of a pair of scissors we make small holes in the upper part of each figure. We go through with the raffia rope being careful not to break the EVA rubber piece. We are introducing all the figures, following the order that we like the most. See the colors and shapes exchanged to create a unique, original and very special Christmas garland.