Christmas tree ornaments

Christmas tree ornaments

On the bridge that is soon approaching us is, traditionally said, that is when mount the christmas tree. Every year the decoration is changed in many families, but in others the traditional one is preserved and ornaments are made with recycled materials.

These crafts are great to do with the childrenThis is how we spread our Christmas spirit to them and they help us to set up the tree as a family. Therefore, today we help you to make some simple christmas trees to hang them when assembling the tree.


  • Rope, bows or laces.
  • Cinnamon sticks.
  • Pieces of false fern or leaves from an old tree.
  • Buttons.
  • Silicone.
  • Cut wires.


First of all, we will cut small pieces of the fern false of different sizes to form the small trees.

We will stick these on the cinnamon stick with several points of silicone. We will let it dry for several minutes and on these we will paste the botones of colors.

Lastly, we will measure the rope on the Christmas tree and we will cut it. We will join the two ends and we will glue them on the cinnamon stick.

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