Christmas tree with pine cones and fabric scraps

Christmas tree

The date for build the Christmas tree, but there are many people who do not have a large or small space even to put a small Christmas tree. Therefore, today we have proposed a tiny version with pineapples and fabric scraps.

There is already a version of Christmas tree on our blog, also made with pineapples, but this one does not have the typical Christmas balls. So, if you like with their balls and their Christmas starHere is this beautiful example that we have prepared for you and you.


  • Pineapples.
  • Scraps of fabric.
  • Cotton.
  • Silicone.
  • Yellow felt.
  • Black and white thread.
  • Needle.
  • Silicone.
  • Glue gun.


Firstly, we will clean the pineapple well shaking it with a brush palette, inserting this in all the nooks and crannies but being careful not to split its 'leaves'.

Then we cut small rectangles in the fabric scraps, filling them with cotton and sewing them so that a ball comes out.

Then, having the different balls, we are sticking them around our Christmas tree with silicone glue.

Finally, we will carry out in felt a christmas star and we will sew the border to give it more relief. We will stick this to a toothpick with silicone and this to the tree so that it is fixed.

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