DIY: Flamenco or gypsy fofucha

Flamenco fofucha

Although the great and famous Seville Fair has ended, it is the first to hit the starting gun for the others Andalusia fairs. These traditional festivities make women dress gypsy or flamenco and men short, to look beautiful for the Real.

Therefore, to celebrate this Andalusian festival I have wanted you to make a famous fofucha dressed as a flamenco or gypsy. The most characteristic of this are the heels and the places, which you will immediately know how to do them without any kind of difficulty.

Materials and Tools

  • Body of the fofucha already made.
  • Red eva rubber, leather, black and white.
  • Silicone.
  • Glue gun.
  • Scissors.


First of all, you must take into account to carry out the body of our fofucha. In a last article we leave you how to do them. However, you have to change shoes for heels and line the body in red. Then you will see the steps, I hope you like it.

We will start with the trunk which is somewhat easier, and from there we can assemble the different pieces. We will start by eliminating the tip of the polystyrene cone and covering it by making a triangle with a round base in the eva rubber. We are gradually gluing the base of the body, and then continue with a side until completing the closure of the body. Then, we will place a small thin strip on the back to resemble the zipper of the dress and, finally, we will cut the excess eva rubber making a V-cut to make the neck more beautiful. To this we will also put two small strips to make it look more elegant and hide imperfections. We will leave the decoration for later.

Afterwards, we will start the cabeza. To do this, we will paint the face of our spotlight with permanent markers, applying a little of our blush on the cheeks and the typical flamenco mole. Then, we will make a braid on the side with a small rectangle in black eva rubber, cutting thin strips without reaching the end and braiding them. We will glue this on the head and we will put a small ornament in red rubber to be the rubber that holds the braid.

Then we will make a comb and a small flower. For the flower you only have to take a small and thin rectangle, and you will roll it little by little until it is formed. And for the comb, you will have to cut a semicircle and a small rectangle. In the semicircle, very carefully, you will have to remove the entire interior, and then fill it with thin strips of eva rubber giving it that curly shape, finally, you will glue the rectangle from behind and this to the head of our flamenco dancer. To finish, we will make some typical earrings by cutting out two small circles, which we will remove the inside with the cap of a pen.

Then we will do the high heel shoes. For this we will need two polystyrene eggs to which we will cut the base a little and, in addition, we will make a bevel cut on the widest part, so that they remain raised to be able to put the heel on them later. We will make this heel by rolling a strip of eva rubber and cutting it in visel also so that the two pieces fit together. We will glue them both and voila, we already have our heels.

For its decoration, first we will put two rectangles in skin color, which we will heat with the iron so that they take their shape and then glue them. We will line the entire egg with the red eva rubber, heating it and giving it the typical heel shape. Later, we will add the strips to eliminate the damage and we will put a small circle to simulate the button of the shoes and several white circles for the polka dots.

Then, we will do the ruffles on both sleeves and dress. For the sleeves, we will cut out circles to which we will remove a little from the inside so that we can then introduce the arm of the fofucha. We will glue the polka dots on it and, so that the typical frill shape comes out, we will heat it with the iron and then we will fold it so that it takes that shape. As for the ruffles of the dress, it is done in the same way but in larger dimensions, although in this case we will first insert it into the body and then we will glue the small white polka dot circles.

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