Hello everybody! In today's craft we are going to make a spring craft, a flowering tree with paper and cardboard. It is very easy to do and a great idea to start this new season with our little ones.
Do you want to know how you can make this craft?
Materials that we will need to make our spring tree
- Green crepe paper, it can have shapes like the one I have chosen or not.
- Crepe paper in a pink tone to imitate flowers.
- Cardboard roll of toilet paper.
- Paper glue that is not very liquid because there will be shapes. You can also use double-sided tape.
- Scissors.
Hands on craft
- The first thing we are going to do is make a few small cuts in one of the sides of the cardboard of a roll of paper hygienic. These cuts will mimic the roots of the tree and, in addition, will give more support when supporting the tree. Therefore we will press the cardboard roll against the table so that it takes the shape well.
- We cut out a rectangle of green crepe paper and fold it in half. We are going to give him tree shape with scissors, taking into account that we should not cut the entire upper part so that the two parts of the paper stay together.
- Now we open the crepe paper and glue the cardboard of the toilet paper roll between the two parts of the crepe paper and we will glue the entire edge so that it stays well fixed.
- With pink crepe paper, let's cut small pieces and we will wrinkle them into balls that later we will stick on the tree as flowers.
And list0! We can only place our tree full of flowers on a shelf to decorate our house with spring.
I hope you cheer up and do this craft.