How to make a luminous bottle with decoupage for Christmas

glow bottles

In this tutorial I teach you to create one glow bottle, reusing glass bottles so that they look this Christmas. You do not need to know how to draw or paint, with the decoupage technique that I teach you in the next step by step you will be able to create the shape design easy y speed boat tour.


To make the christmas glow bottle you need the following materials:

  • Glass bottle
  • Napkin, decoupage paper, or thin paper
  • White glue or special adhesive for decoupage
  • Scissors
  • Acrylic paint
  • Sponge
  • Christmas lights

Step by step

To make the glow bottle, as I have already mentioned at the beginning of the tutorial, you must perform the decoupage technique. This technique consists of adhering a napkin, special decoupage paper or a thin paper to a surface, in such a way that it appears that it is painted on the object.

In the next video-tutorial you can see the Step by Step so that you learn to perform this technique that will serve you for many jobs, and I also explain the process of making the luminous bottle.

Let's go over the followed to follow so that you do not forget any of them and you can make the bottle yourself.

  1. Clean the bottle with alcohol.
  2. Remove the white layers from the napkin, you should only use the layer of the drawing.
  3. Cut out the napkin along the outline of the drawing.
  4. Apply a thin layer of adhesive on the bottle.
  5. Stick the napkin on the bottle.
  6. Place a piece of plastic wrap on the napkin and rub to smooth the paper well.
  7. Apply another layer of adhesive on the napkin, this time it should be a thick layer.
  8. Let the adhesive dry.
  9. Dab acrylic paint around the edge of the drawing with a sponge, blending it well.
  10. Let the paint dry.
  11. Put the lights in the bottle.


And this will be the result.

glow bottle


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