Many times the packaging with which we wrap a gift can say much more than the gift itself. Therefore in this craft we are going to make a bag where to deliver the chosen gift for that special person.
Are you ready?
Materials you will need
- A carton of toilet paper roll
- Hot glue or silicone
- A decorative or gift paper that we like, I have chosen a red one since the bag is for Valentine's Day
- Rope or ribbon.
- Some cardboard to match the chosen paper
- And something to wrap, I have chosen some chocolates.
Hands on craft
1. The first thing we are going to cut out a piece of paper The right size to wrap the toilet paper roll. Then we will wrapping the roll but leaving the ends unfolded. You can help yourself by putting a piece of tape to hold the paper, then it will not be seen because it will be covered with more paper.
2. Before you finish gluing the paper to the roll, we double the edge that we will fold again as seen in the image, thus we will achieve a better decorative finish with the paper. Y we glue with hot silicone or other glue. I prefer hot silicone because it dries much faster.
3. We put hot silicone or glue inside the roll and we are putting and gluing all the excess paper, thus lining the inside of the bag.
4. We join the edges of one of the ends and glue them.
5. We join the edges of the other end, in the opposite direction as we put the previous ones together. On this side we are not going to paste them, because it will be the opening of the bag.
6. On the unglued edge, we make four holes as seen in the image below, and then we will pass the rope or tape that we have chosen by the holes. This it will allow us to close the bag.
7. We cut a figure out of cardboard, I have chosen to make a heart out of red cardboard. You we make a little hole and we pass it through one of the ends of the rope and we make a knot so that it does not come off. On this cardboard you can write, leave decoration or you can even make the shape instead of cardboard with a photograph. Then we tie the rope and that's it.
I hope you cheer up and do this craft.