Hello everybody! In today's craft we are going to make a Christmas Pine Hanging Angel Ornament. It is made with corks and is very easy to do. Perfect to give an original touch to the tree, to do with children.
Do you want to see how to do it?
Materials that we will need to make our angel ornament for the Christmas tree
- Two straight corks like those on wine bottles
- Cardboard to make the wings, the color you want
- A string or thread
- A marker
- Hot glue gun
Hands on craft
- We take one of the corks and We start by measuring the width of the other cork. We will round the corners cut cork. For this we will try to cut the corners with the cutter and save the cut to make the halo. The intention is to leave the piece somewhat rounded to make the head of the angel.
- We glue the entire cork, which will be the body, and the piece of cork in which we have created the head. We draw on the latter a smile and two eyes with a black marker.
- Around the neck of the figurine we are going to tie a string or thread to camouflage the separation and glue between the two pieces.
- We draw some wings on cardboard, we cut them out and glued the angel with hot silicone.
- Finally we choose the piece of cork from when we cut and round the head of the angel to make the halo and taking advantage of the hot silicone points where the halo is glued to glue another piece of string or thread and make the handle to hang the Christmas tree ornament.
And ready! We can now put our angel on the tree or make as many as we want with different colors, expressions and sizes.
I hope you cheer up and do this craft.