Animals with plasticine and seeds

Animals with plasticine and seeds

La clay It is a material that is widely used in nursery schools to promote children's creativity. With it, they can make a multitude of figures, like these animals, through manipulation.

La material handlingLike plasticine, it is one of the learning processes in these very early ages, since with them, they promote motor skills, their creativity and their imagination.


  • Clay.
  • Seeds.
  • Cardboard.
  • Varnish.


First, we will take a portion of clay and we will mold until we get the desired animal. In this case, a turtle has been made, so we will make a small ball for the head, another large one for the body and 4 small ones for the legs and tail.

Animals with plasticine and seeds

After having shaped the plasticine, we will go embedding the seeds dry according to the design we have thought of. We must embed them well so that they do not fall, but not too much, because it would sink too much.

Animals with plasticine and seeds

Finally, we will cut out a piece of black cardboard with the silhouette of the turtle and we will glue it to it so that later it does not stain anything. In addition, we will paint it with a little varnish so that it is protected and with a better appearance.

More information - Make your own colored clay or play dough

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