Arrow learning craft

Hello everybody! In today's craft we bring you another learning craft in which the little ones in the house will have to reproduce the direction of the arrows as we indicate.

Do you want to see how you can do it?

Materials that we will need to make our learning craft

  • Cardboard
  • Marker
  • Card stock or folios
  • Hot glue gun or any other cardboard glue.
  • Scissors
  • Cutter

Hands on craft

  1. The first is cut out the cardboard that will be the base of the craft. It must be of an appropriate size for the child who will later use this learning craft. Once this first piece is cut, we are going to cut another one the same.
  2. In one of the previous pieces we will Make several circles in the central part and in a horizontal line, the more circles the more difficulty. 
  3. Once these circles are made, the cut and glue the two base pieces. 
  4. We cut out three circles of a size smaller than the holes that have been in the base. We will need three circles for each hole. 

  1. We glue these three circles between them to create a tower make it easier for children to handle.
  2. On top of the tower let's draw an arrow, the part of the arrow that indicates the direction in which it points should be well marked, so that there is no confusion later. We will put these towers inside the holes in the base.
  3. It is important that the marker ink is thoroughly dry before the craft can be used.

  1. On a cardboard or sheet of paper we are going to make cards where we will draw a combination of arrows that point to different directions. These cards will be the ones that we later give to the kids to reproduce the arrows that are there indicated with the craft.

And ready! We already have the craft ready.

I hope you cheer up and do this craft.

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