In this tutorial I show you how to do an arrow-shaped pen, to give away in Saint Valenin. A very fun craft with a very original result. With few materials and it does not take much time for its realization.
- Three papers decorated in red colors.
- A pen with a cap.
- Glue.
- Scissors
- Washi tape.
- Tweezers.
Step by step:
- We will start by lining the pen. For this we will need a wide washi tape to be able to turn it well, failing that we will put a thin one and we will do it twice. The pen that I have used is a BIC type and red, with a cap.
- We will cut five hearts out of decorated papers (of those used in scrapbook, as they must have a high weight so that the craft looks good) Two that are the same, for the tip of the arrow.
- We will glue three together, as indicated in the picture. For this we will do tests to see the combination that we like the most.
- Now, We will hold them at the end of the pen. (You can use hot silicone to make this process faster, otherwise you have to wait for it to dry)
We will make the tip of the arrow:
- We will cut what is left of the lid so that it is not seen later.
- We will glue the lid to one side of the heart.
- We will apply glue and place the other heart, putting tweezers so that it remains attached and we will let the glue act.
When it is dry we can cover it. And we will have ready our arrow pen to give on Valentine's Day.
As I have told you one very fun craft that will not take us long and with which we will surely surprise!
I hope you liked it and that it inspires you, if so you know that I would love to see it on any of my social networks. You can like and share it for more people to see it. Until next time!