In today's post I'm going to teach you how to do these fish or eva gum fish perfect for decorating any craft work: cards, boxes, children's rooms, photo frames, cabinets ...
It is an idea as easy as the rubber butterflies eva and you will love doing it with the little ones in the house and you can make many colors and turn your bedroom into a real aquarium. We need very few materials and we can take advantage of pieces of other work that we have done previously and thus be able to save and recycle.
Materials to make the fish
- Colored eva rubber
- Scissors
- Glue or hot glue gun
- Mobile eyes
- Heart piercer
- Permanent markers
- A circular object or compass
Production process
With the help of the round object cut these pieces. If you don't have one, you can do it with a compass. My circle has a diameter of 6 cm, but you can make it to the size you like best.
Depending on the chosen size of the circle you will have to trim the fins and the tail. You can do it like I have. Look at the picture.
With a permanent marker of the same tone as the eva rubber but darker, make some lines to give a more beautiful effect to the fin and the tail.
Go pasting the pieces overlapping one another. First, glue the glue on top of the body and then glue the glitter foam piece on top. To finish, attach the fin.
Now we only have to glue the mobile eye and the lips, which I have made with a heart punch, but if you don't have one, you can do it by hand, it doesn't matter.
And this is how our little fish remain, remember that you can make them in the colors that you like the most. I have made two models, but if you do any, I will love to see your photos on any of my social networks.
See you on the next idea.