Pumpkin Bags

Pumpkin Bags

We offer you this original craft for these Halloween days. It is about forming little bags with crepe paper and making some pretty pumpkins. We will fill them with sweets or, as in this case, with chocolate balls. It is an endearing and very fun idea to give to children. You can place them in a wicker basket and they will look great.

The materials that I have used for the pumpkin bags:

  • Orange crepe paper.
  • A piece of rope.
  • Light green felt fabric, otherwise you can use cardboard.
  • Eyes for crafts.
  • Hot silicone and his gun.
  • Decorative ribbon for dark green gifts.
  • Sweets for the filling, in my case I have used chocolate balls.

You can see this craft step by step in the following video:

First step:

We cut a piece of crepe paper, big enough for form a bag. As we create it, we will fill it with chocolate balls or gummies. Once formed, we firmly hold the joint.

Second step:

To make the structure firm we take a piece of string and tie it on top. We will cut the excess part of the paper that remains above, but we must leave at least 2 cm long to place the piece of felt.

Pumpkin Bags

Third step:

We cut a piece of rectangular felt fabric to wrap it around the top of the squash. It will make the shape of the top green tail. To stick it we have to use hot silicone. With the same silicone we will also glue the eyes.

Fourth step:

La gift wrapping tape We will cut it in half along it, to make it two thin strips. We cut a piece long enough to be able to wrap it around the top of the pumpkin and We tie tight. With the help of scissors we pull hard to make it curl your shape. In this way we will have our pumpkins ready. Tucked in a basket and a multitude of them are very endearing.

Pumpkin Bags

Pumpkin Bags

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