Portal of Bethlehem

Portal of Bethlehem

Yesterday we presented you with a beautiful Advent Calendar we make this bridge. Well, this bridge we have also risked to make this fun Nativity scene portal in which the children have given us a hand to do it.

With materials from around the house, such as cardboard and a shoe box, we have set up a beautiful nativity scene made by the whole family. In this way, we make the little ones participate in these Christmas dates where the spirit of Christmas is found in all of us.


  • Shoe box.
  • Paperboard.
  • Brown butcher paper.
  • Light blue tissue paper.
  • Templates of the characters of the nativity scene.
  • Colored pencils.
  • Glue.
  • Scissors.
  • Cotton.
  • Green paint.


First of all, we will catch two cardboard sheets and we will cut it into ovals. We will paint these with green paint and let them dry for a whole day.

Then, in one of them, we will paste a little light blue tissue paper to make the sky of this nativity scene for children.

Then, we will cover with brown paper a old shoe box and inside we will also place brown paper and light blue tissue paper.

Lastly, we will color and cut out the characters of nativity scene and we will stick these on one of the cardboard sheets. In the sheep we will stick a little cotton to make it more attractive.

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