Lion bookmark made with eva rubber for children

In this post I am going to teach you how to do this so funny bookmark in the shape of a lion. The little ones in the house will surely love it.

Materials to make the lion bookmark

  • Colored eva rubber
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Mobile eyes
  • Eva rubber punches
  • Compass or circular object 6 cm in diameter
  • Permanent markers
  • Wood sticks
  • Fingerprint marker (optional)

Procedure for making the lion bookmark

  • To begin, mark with a circular object or compass a round figure in light colored eva rubber that measures approximately 6 cm in diameter.
  • With the pencil do two circles what will they be ears of our lion.
  • Cut out this piece and we will have lion's head bookmark.

  • On a piece of white eva rubber draw The snout and cut it out.
  • Glue it on the lion's face at the bottom.
  • A black heart that I have made with the punch will be nose.
  • Glue it over the muzzle carefully and then draw the smile with black permanent marker.

  • Then draw whiskers.
  • Hit it the eyes mobiles on the face and draw the eyelashes.
  • Make lots of multi-colored heart punches with the heart punches.

  • Go gradually gluing the hearts around the head and you will form the lion's mane which will be very colorful.
  • Take a wooden stick and stick it on the head so you can place it in the book.

  • I am going to use this fingerprint marker that I have at home, but if you don't have it, you can simply do it with a black marker.

  • I will put several prints on the wooden stick to imitate that the lion has passed through the jungle and has stained its body.

And after doing this to him, we've finished our lion bookmark, great for the kids. Surely that way they are very encouraged to read books.

Y if you like bookmarks, I leave you here another model that may interest you. See you in the next tutorial. Bye!

eva rubber bookmark cars

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      Ayla said

    What a nice bookmark, I love it 😀
    Big kiss!!!!!

         DonluMusical said

      Thank you!