Box with ice cream sticks and eva foam

Box with ice cream sticks and eva foam

The boxes it is a very versatile element, it can be used as decorative accessory, as a jeweler, to leave the keys, etc. In any case, the main thing is to do it with recycled materials to make it much more original.

Although it is not ice cream season, those of us who love crafts always keep everything, in order to find another use for it. So we will have to collect many sticks of this type to be able to carry out the craft.


  • Popsicle sticks.
  • Fine wood plank.
  • Tail.
  • Acrylic paint.
  • Brush.
  • Eva rubber of different colors.
  • Special glue for eva rubber.


  1. Must place the structure of sticks to know how many we are going to use.
  2. Paint and let dry all the sticks with the temperas of different colors.
  3. For the lid and base you will need stick the sticks on a fine wood, so it will not be disassembled.
  4. Go applying glue on both ends of the sticks.
  5. Ir building the box to the height what you want.
  6. Finally, perform a decorative detail with eva rubber and stick it on the lid of the box.

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