Groom tongs

Hello everybody! In today's craft we are going to do these beautiful wedding clips, perfect to decorate at a wedding, to accompany an invitation or to have a detail with the future couple. In addition, it is very simple to perform.

Do you want to see how we can do them?

Materials that we will need to make our wedding clips

  • Clothespins that are made of wood and preferably not painted.
  • Black and white paint (or gray or dark blue)
  • Black marker for details (better if it is fine).
  • Some fabric, chiffon or white trimmings to make the bride's veil.
  • Hot glue gun or other fabric glue.
  • Sandpaper (optional)
  • Varnish (optional)

Hands on craft

  1. The first step is clean the tweezersFor this, in addition to submerging them in hot water, we can sand them.
  2. Let mark the drawing, On one side of the clip we will mark how the groom's suit will go and on the other side that of the bride. Or two boyfriends or two girlfriends, depending on who gets married.

  1. Once the drawing is done we will fill the groom's suit with dark and that of the bride with white. 

  1. We add details such as smiles, eyes, eyelashes, bow ties, etc. We can add a little red where the bride's cheek is.

  1. We gather the piece of fabric that we have chosen to shape it as a veil and we stick it where the neck of the bride would be.
  2. To finish we can varnish with a matt and spray varnish to ensure that the paint will stay in place and the wood will not spoil. However this is a totally optional step.

And ready! We have already prepared our details for the wedding.

I hope you cheer up and do this craft.

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