Butterfly wings

Butterfly wings

We are going to make this precious craft with children, to make a nice play costume for girls, some lovely butterfly wings.

The wings of mariposa they will make the little ones dream, in which they can imagine being like fairies flitting through the forest.

To do this, we will draw in thick cardstock, some wings as in the image or similar. We will make the mima on another thick cardboard and we will cut out the contours of the two. With the girl, we will paint the details as you like.

Butterfly wings

Once the two sides are painted, we will take one side. Inside, we will glue a long ribbon around the upper brim, leaving a sufficient length of this ribbon at the end, so that the girl can tie it to her back or shoulders. We will pass the tape through the other upper wing doing the same.

Once the tapes are glued on both sides, we will glue the two parts of wings made of different cards together, so that the tape will be hidden.

Como ornament, we can put in the central part, some feathers, wool or velvet as a decoration.

We help the girl to tie her wings on her shoulders or back, and fly!

More information - Butterfly mosaic with colored cardboard

Source - Fun in the making

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