step by step of a rabbit-shaped Easter candy box

Those holidays are coming when we enjoy those sunny afternoons as a family and go out to eat in the country. And we usually give the children some sweets ... A good idea is to give them in a candy box. In this case I'm going to show you the step by step of a rabbit-shaped Easter candy box.

In addition to being a very simple craft, we are going to recycle and we will do it with things we have at home and in just a few steps we will have it ready, it can even be done with children.


  • Toilet paper cardboard rusts.
  • Fine tip pen.
  • colored pencils.
  • Paper crafts.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue.
  • Stapler.
  • Pompom
  • Candy bag.


If you want to make several sweets, as has been my case: you have to perform each step as many times as you want to make. You will easily see it in the following images.

  • Draw on the crafts paper two shapes of legs, ears and arms. (look at the image) and then cut out the shapes.
  • Color the inner area of ​​the ears, I have used several colors!

  • Mark with the pen two lines on the legs, that will act as the rabbit's fingers.
  • Fold the cardboard paper at one end and cut a semi-circular shape. (If you have a die it is also a good option, instead of cutting with scissors).

  • Glue the legs together on each of the two sides of the semicircle.
  • Draw a rabbit face, you can look at the one in the image !!!.

  • Glue the ears below at the top end.
  • Also the arms, as indicated in the picture.

  • The pompom that will be the rabbit's tail.
  • Put the candy bag inside.

  • Grapa so that it is held and does not fall.
  • Paint the cheeks and make the decorations you want, you can place bows, flowers, bow ties ...

Repeat all the steps and you will have a great family of rabbits, ready to give to the children !!! I hope it inspires you!

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