Hello everybody! In today's craft we are going to see another option to make a rabbit in a very simple way with very basic materials such as a cardboard roll of toilet paper and cardboard.
Do you want to see how you can make this craft?
Materials that we will need to make our rabbit
- Toilet paper cardboard roll
- Light colored cardstock, can be green or yellow
- Glue
- Scissors
- Black, red and dark green marker
Hands on craft
- The first thing we are going to do is draw two large rabbit ears on the cardboard roll and cut them out. It is important to do it carefully so that they are not very thin in the part where they will remain attached to the rest of the cardboard, since they could break.
- Let's get the black marker now draw our rabbit's face: two whiskers, eyes and mouth. With the red marker we are going to make a big nose in the center of the whiskers. With that same marker we are going to paint the inside of the ears to give them more depth.
- On cardboard we are going to cut out a rectangle. On one side of the cardboard we are going to make some quick cuts. With a green marker we are going to make some lines in a green tone, letting the color of the cardboard show. Once we have painted the cardboard in a way that we like, we are going to cut lines again so that it is more like grass.
- Once we have all of the above, We are going to stick the cardboard in the lower part of the cardboard roll. We can only give a little shape to the fringes that we have made.
And ready! We already have another way to make a rabbit in a simple way in this first month of spring.
I hope you cheer up and do this craft.