Cardboard guitars, to set the mood

Cardboard guitars

Children have fun with anything that we give, especially if they are small. Sometimes it seems amazing how you can have fun with some simple things like a cardboard box.

This is due to their innate processes of exploration, observation and imagination. Everything they see for the first time, they get a lot out of it, creating unusual objects or toys for our eyes. That is why today I bring you this craft, to take advantage of cereal boxes.


  • 1 box of cereals.
  • Colored ropes or ropes.
  • Glue.
  • Tube or tubes of kitchen or toilet paper. (a long one preferable).
  • Paper.
  • Scotch tape.


First, you will have to take the cereal box and cut out a circle on its back. You can make the circle with a compass, to make it more perfect, and then cut it out with scissors.

Later, with the ropes, we will measure the length of the circle, we will cut them to that measure and then we will glue them to the inside of the box.

Then, you will paste the long tube to the back of the case, to be the neck of the guitar. If you don't have a long one, you can overlap a few rolls of kitchen paper or toilet paper.

Finally, we will choose a piece of rope or long rope to carry out the guitar handle. We will stick it behind the tube and the box.

More information - Cars with rolls of paper, great to entertain the little one

Source - Small business

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