Cardboard shoes to learn to tie shoes

This craft is very simple to do and is also ideal for children who are learning to tie their shoes. It is an activity that improves fine motor skills since children have to pass the cord through small slots.

It is very easy to do and the children will love being part of this beautiful project. You also need few materials and with a little practice, children will be able to tie the laces well practicing in this craft and then do it on your own footwear.

What materials do you need

  • 1 marker pen
  • 1 scissors
  • 1 color cords or strings
  • A sharpened pencil
  • 1 piece of cardboard or cardstock

How to make the craft

The craft is very simple. You will first need to find a large enough piece of cardboard or a DINA-4 size card. We have chosen an orange card.

Once you have it, you will have to draw a pair of shoes, keeping in mind that one will be the left foot and the other the right. Make the drawing with pencil and then when you have it correct, Go over it with a marker to make it more attractive. Follow the model in our pictures.

When you have it, you will have to take the sharpened pencil and make the holes where the cord will pass later to do the practice.

After finishing making the holes, you will only have to pass the cords or ropes. You can do it in the same way that you see in the images or do it in a way that you think may be simpler or that you have been taught as a child.

There are many ways to tie the shoelaces, choose the one you think is the most convenient, although the one you see in the images is the easiest way to teach young children.

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