Hello everybody! In today's craft we are going to make a simple cardboard snail perfect to make with the little ones in the house during a hot afternoon.
Do you want to see how you can make these snails?
Materials that we will need to make our cardboard snail
- Two-color card stock. One will be for the snail's head and the other for the shell. You can choose the colors that you like the most. You can also do everything in the same color if you prefer.
- Stick glue or other paper glue.
- Black marker.
Hands on craft
- We cut out a strip of cardboard in the color that we want the head, the width of that measurement will serve as a guide to cut the cardboard that will make the shell.
- In my case I wanted to take advantage of two pieces of cardboard that I had loose and that is why I have cut out several pieces of the cardboard of the color for the shell, but you can directly cut out a single piece instead of several and have to glue them as I have done. Is Unique piece will be 3-4 times longer than the head piece.
- In the head piece we will cut out like two antennas on one side. These antennas will be the snail's eyes.
- We fold 1/3 of the cardboard to form the head. We fold the antennas in half and We draw a smile and two little black dots for the eyes.
- We roll the cardboard that will make the shell tightly.
- We stick the end of this cardboard on the other piece of cardboard, starting to paste from the fold that forms the head.
- We unroll the cardboard and give it a shape that we like before fixing it with a little glue. The important thing is that it is rounded and a spiral in the middle.
And ready! We have already made this nice snail.
I hope you cheer up and do this craft.