Cardboard witch for Halloween

Cardboard witch for Halloween

The brujas is a very characteristic element of the Halloween party. In fact, this party is also known as Halloween. Therefore, for a very original decoration for your party, today I have proposed this cardboard witch, to welcome the guests.

This craft can be done by childrenSo we get you directly involved with the things to do for the big Halloween night.


  • White folio.
  • Pencil.
  • Eraser.
  • Colored cards.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue.
  • Pins.
  • Felt pens.
  • Rope.


  1. We will do the sketch of our witch on a sheet of paper.
  2. We cut the body parts (head, limbs and trunk).
  3. We will draw each part in the cardboard of colors.
  4. We will cut cardstock.
  5. We will join these parts with the pins.
  6. We will add details like broom, the stockings to our witch.
  7. We will paint the eyes and the mouth with the markers.
  8. Finally, we will carry out a hole in hat and we will pass the rope to be able to hang our craft.

More information - Halloween ghost dolls

Source - The shaker

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