Carnival mask for children

Carnival mask

Today we show you a craft great for kids. As we are in Carnival season, it is very easy to entertain them with crafts like this. A) Yes, we share family moments and the celebration of popular festivals.

El Carnival It is a popular party that is celebrated in many parts of the world, especially Spain, the Canary Islands, Brazil, Uruguay, etc. In all of them, the party model is similar, where everyone dresses up to spend a night of scandal, in addition to enjoy some critical verses. I am particularly a fan of the Cádiz Carnival and I really enjoy these crafts.


  • White cardboard.
  • Folio, pencil, and rubber.
  • Yellow paint.
  • Thick black marker or black paint.
  • Scissors.
  • Zeal.


  1. conduct a sketch of the mask.
  2. Pass this mask to the White cardboard and mark it.
  3. Cut out, emptying his eyes.
  4. Paint the upper part and the eyes of black.
  5. Also paint the eyebrows and tear.
  6. Paint and cut out a moon and a star.
  7. Paste it at the top of the mask.
  8. Stick a white strip on the sides of the mask.

More information - DIY: Carnival mask

Source - With my children

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