Changing mat cover made by yourself

Diaper changing table

Today we suggest that you cover the typical changing table, so that you baby is warmer when changing diaper, bathe him, etc. That is to say, having a warm changing table for every moment in which you are or we have to take off your clothes.

The typical changers They are usually simple and cold, so we give you this possibility to give your own touch. In this way, you will have everything at hand.


  • Green fleece lining (1,5 m wide x 75 cm long).
  • 50 cm long printed piqué.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Metro.
  • Scissors.
  • Hilo.
  • Needle.
  • Pins.
  • Two large colored buttons.


First of all, to make this lined changing table, we will have to measure well with the fleece the same changer. Later, cut the excess fabric.

Diaper changing table

The second step is to catch the fabric pique to make the pockets. To do this, we will fold it in half with the drawing facing inward and join both ends with pins. Afterwards, we will fold them in half again, also joining them. Then, we will baste everything and sew it by machine. Finally, we will turn it over to the right.

Diaper changing table

Next we will join the pocket to the inside of the lining. We will have to adjust it well so that it does not move us. We will then proceed to baste it and sew it with the machine for only 3 of its sides.

Diaper changing table

Finally, we will turn the lining over so that the pocket comes out. Then we will make two perpendicular seams so that we can make two small pockets. In addition, on the side that we had not sewn, we will place the two buttons large in bright colors and in the other two eyelets to be able to join them with them.

More information - Owl-shaped cushions.

Source - My house magazine

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