Hello everybody! In this craft we are going to see how to make a simple chick with a wool pompom. Besides being very simple, the result is a fluffy and very funny chick that we can use to decorate a room by hanging it or putting a key ring washer or whatever comes to mind.
Do you want to know how you can do it?
Materials that we will need to make our chick
- Wool of one or several colors depending on the result we want for our chick.
- Scissors.
- Crafts eyes.
- Foam or some kind of velvet paper
- Beads, balls, of various sizes and colors.
- Hot silicone.
Hands on craft
- First of all is make a wool pompomTo see how to do it, you can look at the following link where we explain a simple way: We make mini pompoms with the help of a fork
- Once we have the pompom done and combed, one thing we have to keep in mind is that We should not cut the threads that tie the pompom as they will be the legs of our chick. To make these legs, we are going to go through each of these wool threads different balls or beads decorative, which will help us to give more shape to the legs. Ideally, finish with a larger ball or bead to simulate feet and close the entire leg with a knot.
- In the knot of the pompom we can tie another wool thread to hang then the chick if that is our intention. Now is the perfect time to do it and then comb our chick well before decorating the face.
- We glue two eyes of crafts with hot silicone. We must put enough glue so that they do not fall, the ideal is to put the glue on the pompom so as not to melt the plastic of the eyes and press so that they stick well.
- We do a triangle with foam or with velvet paper and we glue it just under the two eyes.
And ready!
I hope you cheer up and do this craft.