Today I will be showing you how to do something very fun and easy.
We will learn to do little crowns for children's birthdays, the girls will love it!
This is one craft, that they can do it so much for entertain the boys on a birthday, as if to brighten up an afternoon or a weekend with friends.
You can invite the smallest of the house to participate in the elaboration of these little crowns for birthdays, and spend a fun afternoon with the family.
Since girls, we women have been fascinated by charm of princess stories. We dream of being one of them and living all that fantasy.
Arriving at a certain age, we love to dress up as princesses.
Therefore, it is a good option for play together your girls and make that princess dream come true.
With these little crowns, made of cardboard, super easy to make, the girls can spend an afternoon playing and having fun.
So, to prepare a delicious snack and play as a family.
Materials to make little crowns for children's birthdays:
- A4 size cards to your liking
- Choice of ribbons, flowers and ornaments
- Heart-shaped die cutter
- Scissors
- Paper hole punch
- Molds that you will find below
Molds to make little crowns for children's birthdays:
Here are the molds to make the little crowns, you just have to save it on your computer and print on a A4 sheet.
Mold 1:
Mold 2:
Steps to make little crowns for children's birthdays:
Step 1:
It's so easy and simple make the little crowns, that you will not need more than one step to elaborate them.
Use the mold that you printed earlier and pass them to the cardboard that you have chosen.
As you will see, in the molds, one crown has larger dimensions than the other. Cut each one into cardboard of different prints to make it look more colorful and fun.
We will paste the girl crown inside the big one.
We cut small hearts on another cardboard and glue on the crown, we decorate as we like.
At each end of the crown, make a little hole with the punch and through there pass the tape, which you will use to tie the crown on the head of the little princesses.
I hope you like it, we will meet in the next one.