Christmas card in the shape of a chocolate house

chocolate house christmas card

Christmas cards or postcards they have always been a tradition to congratulate those parties. This custom has already been lost somewhat, but we have also gained many original ways of doing it. In this post I am going to teach you how to make this chocolate house in the form of a card so that you can be the most original at home.

Materials to make the chocolate house card

  • Brown cardboard
  • Colored eva rubber
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Ruler
  • Eva rubber punches
  • Pencil or marker
  • Permanent markers

Chocolate house card making process

  • Use a cardboard of 24 by 36 centimeters. You can choose the size that best suits what you want to do, mine measures that.
  • Fold it in half matching the edges.
  • Make a mark at the top that divides the cover into two equal parts. Mine is 8 cm.
  • Follow with other marks to the sides to about 7 cm away from above.

chocolate house christmas card

  • Join these 3 brands and we will get a triangle.
  • Cut out this piece and we will have done the facade of the house.
  • In white eva rubber draw the roof outlineor but leave a bit of excess on the sides to be able to make the snow.

chocolate house christmas card chocolate house christmas card

  • Cut the lower part of the triangle in a wavy shape as it appears in the drawing.
  • To do window cut out a circle of approximately 6 diameter cm and paste it.

chocolate house christmas card

  • With black marker make a cRuz that will be the bars of the window and with silver or white the reflections of the glass.
  • Now, let's create a door. Use foam rubber of the color that you like the most and cut out a rectangle that is rounded at the top. With permanent marker make the details. I have made a frame and a knob for it.

chocolate house christmas card

  • A tree is going to decorate our facade. Cut 3 triangles out of green foam rubber and glue them one on top of the other to form the piece. Then, place a star and with markers decorate with dots that will be the Christmas balls.

chocolate house christmas card

  • Use the circle punch to make several of many different colors. I'm going to place them on top of the snow as if they were facade lights.

chocolate house christmas card

  • And with this we have finished our card for christmasd. Now we only have to put a great message inside.

I hope you liked today's idea and don't forget to put it into practice.

See you in the next project.


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