15 Christmas crafts for kids

Christmas crafts kids

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Singer Andy Williams used to say in his famous tune "It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year" that Christmas was the most wonderful time of the year. And he was right. As these endearing holidays approach, the atmosphere is permeated with a Christmas spirit that encourages us to make Christmas crafts to decorate the house, especially when there are small children.

If this Christmas you want to do something special as a family, I recommend that you take a look at these 15 Christmas crafts for kids with which you will spend a very pleasant time together. Do not miss it!

Christmas card for kids with snowman

Snowman card

It is typical of these dates to send our friends and relatives a small Christmas greeting. What better way to surprise them than doing it yourself? It is one of the Christmas crafts for kids coolest that you can prepare, in just a few minutes and taking advantage of materials that you already have at home.

In the post Christmas card for kids with snowman You will see the process to make this nice craft step by step.

Christmas reindeer ornament to make with children

Reindeer Christmas Card

The following craft is very versatile. After making it, you can use it as Christmas tree ornament or as a greeting card for someone special.

In addition, this is one of the easiest Christmas crafts for children to do so that even the little ones can participate in it.

To do it you will only need a piece of cardboard, a black marker, a pencil, some colored balls and some more things that you can see in the post Christmas reindeer ornament to make with children.

Christmas tree with green cardboard to make with children

Christmas tree with stick

Another craft to decorate the house or the children's room is this Christmas tree made of green cardboard and a wooden stick. It is very simple to do but you will have to pay attention to the instructions that you will find in the post Christmas tree with green cardboard to make with children, since if you make a mistake the result can be a little regular.

Although do not worry, because like all Christmas crafts for children the important thing is to have fun while doing it. Do you dare to try it?

3 Christmas crafts. Bookmarks for children

Christmas Bookmarks

During the Christmas holidays, children have more free time to do activities and have fun. If they like to spend time reading, then they will need to have a bookmark that tells them where in the book they stayed the day before.

In addition, it is one of the Christmas crafts for kids easier to make and an excellent idea to give along with a book to someone else.

In the post 3 Christmas crafts. Bookmarks for children You will find a very detailed explanatory video with the steps to make this craft.

Cork reindeer to decorate the Christmas tree

Reindeer with corks

Making your own decorations for the Christmas tree is another of the most creative Christmas crafts for children that you can do during the holidays. For example, this cute cork reindeer that is very easy to make and looks very cute once it is placed on the branches of the tree.

If you want to know how to do this craft step by step, don't miss the post Cork reindeer to decorate the Christmas tree.

Sack-shaped Christmas ornament

Christmas sack ornament

Another option to decorate the Christmas tree is to create this sack ornament. It is very simple to make, so that children can make it practically alone or with a little help from you. This decorative sack can be given as an invisible friend or simply made to increase the Christmas decorations that the tree already has.

If you want to see how to make this Christmas craft for children step by step you can take a look at the post Sack-shaped Christmas ornament.

3 crafts for Christmas with toilet paper tubes

Christmas cardboard paper crafts

Who would say that with a few simple cardboard rolls of paper you could make such original and creative Christmas crafts for children? With three tubes and some more materials you can make some cute reindeer, christmas trees and nöel dads. Find out in the post 3 crafts for Christmas with toilet paper tubes.

Recycling crafts for Christmas. Snowman

Snowman with cardboard rolls of paper

Speaking of Christmas crafts for children with cardboard, at this time we cannot forget about the traditional snowmen. If after doing the previous craft you still have some more rolls of paper, then you can take advantage of them to make a snowman by following all the steps that appear in the post Recycling Crafts for Christmas: Snowman. It is very easy to make and the little ones will have a blast. It will surely look great on you!

Eva rubber penguin to decorate your Christmas crafts

penguin christmas rubber eva

Within the winter theme, children will love preparing this funny penguin with eva rubber. To make it, in the post Eva rubber penguin to decorate your Christmas crafts You will find the template that will serve as a guide to shape all the pieces.

Cut them out, assemble them and glue them together. You will have one of the most beautiful Christmas crafts for children!

Quick and easy «Merry Christmas» garland

Christmas wreath

To celebrate Christmas in style, the ideal is to make it noticed. What better than a precious garland announcing Christmas? It is a beautiful way to decorate the living room of the house or the children's room.

It is a craft that is very decorative and is easy to do, it only takes a few minutes! This is a Christmas craft for children over 6 years to be able to do it alone but if younger children participate, your supervision will be required. You can see all the steps in the post Quick and easy «Merry Christmas» garland.

Make your Christmas gnome starting from an old sweater

Gnome christmas fabric

The following is a very cheerful craft to decorate the rooms of the house during the Christmas holidays but to do it requires a bit of skill and if the children are going to participate, they will need the supervision of an adult.

The craft in question is a small gnome made from an old sweater that you will no longer use. To shape it you will also need thread, felt and a needle among other materials. If you want to do a slightly different craft, in the post Make your Christmas gnome starting from an old sweater You will find all the instructions and the rest of the materials you will need.

Christmas centerpiece made with felt

Felt Christmas Centerpiece

Christmas Eve and Christmas dinner are two very important events that take place during these holidays and that bring families together around the table. It is a very special moment in which many people strive to prepare delicious food and decorate the table in an original way.

How about contributing your grain of sand with this fantastic center made with felt? It is one of the most elegant and easy Christmas crafts for children that you can do. If you like the idea, in the post Christmas centerpiece made with felt You will find both the necessary materials and the steps to follow.

Christmas tree made with wine bottle corks

Christmas tree with corks

During all the lunches and dinners that take place at these endearing parties, adults toast with many bottles of cava and wine. When finished, instead of throwing the corks away, you can collect them to make one of the Simpler Christmas crafts for kids and colorful with which to decorate the house: a Christmas tree made with wine bottle corks.

To do this craft you will need some tools such as a knife and a silicone gun so it is recommended that the little ones have the help of an adult to do certain steps. Working as a team, everything will be perfect!

How to make a luminous bottle with decoupage for Christmas

Luminous bottle

This is one of the coolest Christmas crafts for children that you can prepare to give a magical touch to the decoration of the house during these holidays: a luminous bottle reusing glass containers.

To make this craft there is a little trick, the decoupage technique. This technique consists of fixing a thin paper, a napkin or special decoupage paper to a surface, so that it appears that it is painted on the object.

In the post How to make a luminous bottle with decoupage for Christmas You will find a video tutorial to see the step by step for and learn to perform this technique that will also serve you for other crafts.

Sweets for Christmas

Christmas candy

The one of the sweets for Christmas It will be, without a doubt, one of the most successful Christmas crafts for children during these dates. who bitters a candy? More when it is an excellent opportunity to recycle materials that we have at home and that in all probability end up in the trash.

This is the case of these candy boxes made with cardboard from toilet paper rolls. In the post Sweets for Christmas You will find all the instructions and materials to surprise the family after Christmas dinner in the sweetest way.

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