Colors are the spirit of ChristmasDressing our house in strong colors makes it warmer on these cold days and also more welcoming. For this reason I love to decorate with very strong and contrasting colors that make joy flow throughout the house.
In today's post, I bring you a super easy to make ornament that you can combine with extreme and opposite colors. This ornament imitates the tassels that hang from the curtains so typical of the eighties. Let's start with DIY!
- A shiny nylon braided twine and of some extreme color like red or green, those colors so typical of these dates.
- Scissors.
- A piece of glitter foam in a color that contrasts with the one we have chosen for the shiny nylon cord.
- Thread and needle.
We will take the braided nylon cord and we will unbraid everything as we see in the image. If you choose this one, which is simply two twisted strips, it will be very easy.
After we will cut the threads that we have left of about 12 centimeters and we will fold them in half holding it with a finger as we see in the first image. Later, We will take another piece of string and we will knot it around the threads, leaving a washer on top of the size of our finger.
We will take another string and tie it to the washer. This string will be the one that will help us hang it from the tree.
Finally, with the EVA rubber we will make a star of David and we will sew it to the top of our ornament. The contrast of both bright colors is the strong point of our ornament. As you can see, it is a very simple but striking ornament that can be used both to decorate the tree and to use it as tassels in the curtains during Christmas.
Until the next DIY!