This craft is ideal to do with children because it is very simple and they can also use it for their things in their games or they can give it to mom or dad to use as a trivet. This craft is a good idea to work with colors and also the order, since the colors can follow a pattern and in this way the children work the series on the colors.
If the children are young they may need your help, but it is always a good idea to have some supervision from the parents, especially for the use of scissors or glue. But in addition to this, do not miss how simple this craft is.
What materials do you need
- A thick eva rubber sheet of the color you want
- Colored polo sticks
- White glue
- Scissors
- Pencil
How to make the craft
It is very simple, first, you will have to cut the eva rubber sheet of the chosen color to match the size of the polo sticks. Make a mark with the pencil so that you know where you have to cut and when you have it, cut out this part.
Then choose the colors of the polo sticks so that there are at least two of the same color and thus to make the series of colors at the time of gluing it to the trivet. Start gluing the sticks on the eva rubber as you see in the image.
When it's. All the eva rubber sticks are glued together, let the white glue dry and when it is ready, you will have the trivet ready to use! As you can see, it is a very simple and easy craft to do, so it does not have more complications than what you have seen in this article.
In no time you will have an ideal craft to do with children.