Cork reindeer to decorate the Christmas tree

Hello everybody! In today's craft we are going to make a reindeer with cork to decorate the Christmas tree. It is a simple craft, perfect to do with children and that looks very nice on the tree.

Do you want to see how to do it?

Materials that we will need to make our ornament in the shape of a reindeer with cork

  • A wine bottle cork or whatever is straight.
  • Red card stock or other thick paper
  • White paper or cardstock
  • Black, brown or gray eva rubber
  • Piece of string for the handle where the ornament will hang
  • Thick yarn or wool red or another Christmas color
  • Cutter
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun

Hands on craft

  1. We take the cork and we cut one of the ends to obtain a cork round which will be the nose of our reindeer.

  1. We cut out two eyes in white cardboard and a red circle for the nose.
  2. We glue the nose to the cork ring and draw a smile underneath. We glue the nose of the reindeer to the head with hot silicone, which will be the rest of the cork.
  3. We glue the eyes on top of the cork round and paint the pupils and some eyebrows To give the reindeer face expressiveness, you can play with this to create different reindeer ornaments.

  1. We put the string which will act as a handle to hang the ornament on the upper part, fixing it well with silicone.

  1. We cut the ears and horns in eva rubber, preferably brown, and we glue them to the sides of the head, almost at the top.

  1. To finish off the ornament we are going to create a kind of hat or hair on top. For it We roll up the thread or wool, sticking it with hot silicone little by little until the entire upper part is covered.

And ready!

I hope you cheer up and do this craft.

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