These crabs with a hilarious idea for this summer. They are cheerful and have a very special color to give color to any space in your home. We love your results and how easy they are to do. As always we use hot silicone, but if you want children to do it you can use cold silicone. You will love how special they are!
The materials I have used for two crabs:
- 2 cardboard tubes.
- Red acrylic paint.
- A brush.
- Gold or silver marking pen.
- A small piece of red cardstock.
- Red and black pipe cleaners.
- 4 plastic eyes.
- Hot silicone and your gun or cold silicone.
- A pen.
- Something sharp to make the holes, in my case I used a sharp stick.
You can see this craft step by step in the following video:
First step:
We painted the cardboard tubes with red acrylic paint. We let them dry well.
Second step:
Meanwhile we are doing the crab claws. On a red cardboard we draw a crab claw and cut it out. With the same clamp we will place it on top of the cardboard and we will draw another three tweezers. We will make a tracing by drawing its surroundings with a pen. Then we will cut them out.
Third step:
We cut the pipe cleaners. For the tweezers have been cut four of a kind red. stop the eyes other four, but a little shorter.
For the legs, eight pieces of pipe cleaners of the same size have been cut.
Fourth step:
We do the holes for the pieces of pipe cleaners. Two holes for the eyes. Two holes for the tweezers legs. And four holes at the bottom for the legs. These holes are explained for a single crab.
Fifth step:
We fill the holes with the silicone and we proceed to introduce the pipe cleaners that we have cut.
Step Six:
We paste the plastic eyes and we paste the crab claws.
Seventh step:
We draw the mouths of crabs, we can choose between a gold or silver marker. You have to bring a big smile to it