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So that they can unleash their imagination while developing new skills and learning, in this post you will find 10 crafts for elementary school kids What to do with cardboard, eva rubber, balloons, wood or wool and that the little ones can take advantage of to take to school and have fun with their classmates.
Custom Cases
With an eye to September and facing the start of the new year, the last days of summer can be used to prepare the material that the little ones will need to use in class.
In order to establish a happy bond with going back to school, so that it does not cost so much to return to the routine and see it as something fun, this is one of the coolest and easiest crafts for elementary school children that you can do with them: personalized cases with their name embroidered by hand.
To make this craft, you will need: burlap cases (an ideal fabric for its large holes for children to embroider), plastic needles, colored thread and a pencil to draw on the fabric the outline that the child will follow as a guide with the thread and needle.
You can find more information about how to make personalized cases in the post Hand embroidered cases, back to school!
Pencil organizer
Another of the simplest crafts for elementary school children that you can do is a beautiful pencil organizer made with recycled materials. This craft is perfect for the little ones to develop their creativity at the same time they prepare all the school supplies they will need for the next course.
Children often accumulate a large number of pencils, markers, crayons, and pens. They usually end up mixed up and messed up in any box around the house, but the best way to have them collected and handy on your desk is to place them inside a pencil organizer.
What if the little ones create one with their own hands? To do this craft you will not need to buy anything at the stationery because it can be made with things you already have at home: two cardboard rolls of toilet paper, ice cream sticks, cardboard, double-sided tape, markers, scissors, pencil and a ribbon.
If you want to see the complete process to create this pencil organizer, do not miss the post Children's pencil organizer pot where you have all the steps.
Superheroes made of cardboard
The rooms of the smallest of the house are a reflection of their personality and their tastes. If you love superheroes, I propose this craft with recycled cardboard rolls in which you can reproduce your favorite characters with a little acrylic paint and some brushes. It is one of the easiest crafts for elementary school children, which they can do practically alone to decorate their rooms.
You can choose between Superman, Batman, Spiderman ... or do them all! To make these superheroes you will only need some cardboard tubes of toilet paper, colored acrylic paint, scissors, a fine-tipped black marker, a pencil, some thick and thin brushes, a piece of red and black cardboard and a hot glue gun. .
In the post Superheroes made of cardboard You will be able to find all the steps and you will see how fast and simple it is to make this craft. They will be excited about the idea!
Dinosaur feet shoes
Have you ever thought about the game that a couple of boxes of tissues can give to make crafts for elementary school children? So take a look at this idea because you can make some fun shoes in the shape of dinosaur feet for the little ones to dress up.
You do not need many materials to create this craft, you probably have most of them at home (two empty tissue boxes, a hot glue gun, a pencil and a ruler) and you may only need to buy the green cards and the gold colored stickers.
To get the look of a dinosaur's feet, just cover the sides of the tissue box with pieces of green cardboard. Then you have to make the shape of the nails and finally decorate the boxes with golden stickers. If you want to know the whole process in detail, see the post Dinosaur feet shoes.
Boat against boredom
This is one of the The fastest crafts for elementary school kids you can do. Perfect for those moments when children are bored as oysters and do not know what to do to entertain themselves. The very name of the craft says it: boat against boredom.
What will you need? Just a plastic, glass or metal jar with a lid (that does not have sharp edges and is wide enough to reach in and extract the papers with the ideas against boredom) some ribbons to decorate it, paper, marker and hot glue gun.
If you want to know all the ideas that you can write on the bottle, click on the post Boat against boredom to find out.
Binoculars with rolls of toilet paper
The most intrepid children will be able to unleash their imaginations by making some cardboard binoculars with which to go out to explore the world.
This is one of the easiest and least time consuming crafts for elementary school children so they can play with them right away. In addition, the little ones can customize them as they like best.
To make these binoculars you have to get two cartons from the toilet paper rolls, some thin strips of colored card, string, glue, scissors, a paper drill and markers or tempera to paint the cardboard.
If you want to discover the process to make these fun binoculars, don't miss the post Binoculars with rolls of toilet paper For the more adventurous.
Magic balloons
Magic balloons are one of the crafts for elementary school children with which they most enjoy the process of making. The materials can be found in any bazaar and it will not take you long to make them. In addition, they are perfect for gifts and for children to entertain themselves for a while squeezing them with their hands and seeing what they carry inside.
In case you want to prepare some magic balloons you will only need transparent and colored balloons, a rigid mesh with large holes, glitter in the shape of hearts or stars, colored and small gel orbits, a piece of decorative rope, two bows of colors to decorate, a rubber band to tie the mesh, a jar with water, scissors and a funnel.
In order not to miss any of the steps in this craft, you can watch the video that you will find in the post. Magic balloons, which will explain the process in detail.
Craft to learn to tie shoelaces
While it is true that many children's shoes have velcro or buckles so that the little ones can put them on quickly, as they get older it is important that they know how to tie their shoelaces, especially if they go to school.
To practice, this is one of the most useful crafts for elementary school children that you can find because with it it will be possible learn to do the loops both inside and outside the home.
The materials that you will need can be found at home: cardboard where you can draw some sneakers, wool that serves as laces, scissors, a marker and a cutter.
Do you want to see a video of how this craft is made? Click on the post link Craft to learn to tie shoelaces.
Understand divisions in a simple way
Another of the most useful crafts for elementary school children that you can do is this one for explain how to calculate divisions easily. It is ideal for when they begin to learn divisions in math class because they will be able to better understand how they work and what they are for.
To make this craft you can use materials that you have at home such as cardboard, an egg cup, paper, balls or seeds, a cutter, scissors, glue and markers. The process to make it is super easy but if you want to take a look, I leave you the link to the post where you can see a video for more information: Understand divisions with a craft.
Gel storage bag
Among the crafts for elementary school children that exist, this is another one that the kids will be able to take advantage of since at the same time that they have fun doing it, it will be useful at school or in extracurricular activities.
Is a bag to store the hydroalcoholic gel and carry it by hand hanging from the backpack. It is made with eva rubber and with some small rivets to decorate the craft.
This one in particular has the shape of Spiderman, one of the favorite superheroes of the little ones so they will be happy to collaborate in the manufacture of the craft. If you want to see the procedure of how it is done, in the following link you will find the video Gel storage bag.