Crafts to decorate our houses on Halloween

decorate on halloween

Hello everybody! In today's craft we are going to see several crafts to decorate our house on Halloween. There are many options, many themes such as: witches, pumpkins, black cats, etc.

Do you want to know which ones we propose?

Craft to decorate on Halloween number 1: Make a spooky mirror

Halloween mirror

Mirrors are something that can give a lot of room to decorate, we can write messages on them with red lipstick to make it look like blood, decorate them with cobwebs or, as we suggest, make a mirror as interesting as this one.

You can see how to do the step by step of this craft by following the link that we leave below: How to make a mirror for your Halloween decoration

Craft to decorate on Halloween number 2: Garland of cobwebs with silicone

cobweb wreath

These spider webs, so simple to make, will give us a lot of room to decorate our house, we can intersperse them with some pieces of frayed cotton that will make them look even more like spider webs.

You can see how to do the step by step of this craft by following the link that we leave below: Spider web garland for Halloween

Craft to decorate for Halloween number 3: Broom with cat

Witch broom

Witches are something that always appear at Halloween parties, but they do not always have to be represented, they can also be elements that remind us of witches, such as these two (broom and cat) together, almost ready to take flight .

You can see how to do the step by step of this craft by following the link that we leave below: Witch's broom to decorate on Halloween

And ready! We already have another step closer to this increasingly popular day around the world. You can find many crafts on our website, take a look to discover them.

I hope you cheer up and do some of these crafts.

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