Crafts to decorate the Christmas tree 2

Hi everyone! In today's article we bring you the second part of this series of crafts that we can do to decorate our Christmas tree in an original way. This afternoon we suggest you make some cookies or a homemade cake while we make the decorations and be able to have a snack while we have fun making the decorations.

If you want to know what the crafts of this second installment are, don't miss the rest of the article.

Christmas decoration for our tree number 1: Christmas sack

Why not make an ornament in the shape of a sack where Santa Claus or the wise men carry the gifts?

You can see the step by step of this Christmas ornament if you follow the link below: Sack-shaped Christmas ornament

Christmas decoration for our tree number 2: Angel.

Angels are the singers of Christmas, so why not add them to our tree?

You can see the step by step of this Christmas ornament if you follow the link below: Angel ornament for the Christmas tree

Christmas ornament for our tree number 3: Christmas tree.

Our Christmas tree can have its own representation to be hung as a Christmas ornament.

You can see the step by step of this Christmas ornament if you follow the link below: Christmas tree ornament to hang

Christmas decoration for our tree number 4: Snowflake with corks

Snow is another of the stars of Christmas, so we propose this simple way to make a flake.

You can see the step by step of this Christmas ornament if you follow the link below: Snowflake ornament for Christmas tree

And ready! If you want to continue seeing how to decorate our home for Christmas, do not miss the crafts that come these months.

I hope you cheer up and make some of these ornaments.

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