Hi all! In today's article we bring you a selection of several crafts perfect to do as a family since in addition to being fun they will allow us to play then with them and have some fun time during these festivities.
Do you want to know what are these crafts that we propose?
Craft # 1: Custom Who's Who
How about customizing and playing this classic among board games?
You can see the step by step to make this craft by following the link that we leave you below: Who's Who Game personalized
Craft # 2: Bugs on the Run
For the most competitive, this game will make you have a good time competing. In addition to that it will be fun to personalize each one your worm.
You can see the step by step to make this craft by following the link that we leave you below: Bugs on the run. We make a game-craft for children
Craft # 3: Make the Hoops
Another classic that we can customize and with which we can have a good time.
You can see the step by step to make this craft by following the link that we leave you below: Set of hoops for children
Craft # 4: Storytelling Game
A game for the most imaginative Who will tell the best story?
You can see the step by step to make this craft by following the link that we leave you below: Game «Tell me a story»
Craft # 5: Memory Game
The perfect game for those who want to test themselves and their memory.
You can see the step by step to make this craft by following the link that we leave you below: Memory game
And ready! We can already have good times with family or friends these holidays. The good thing about these games is that we can save and use them whenever we want.
I hope you cheer up and do some of these crafts.